How to Come Up with Fun Facts About Yourself

25 Questions to come up with fun facts about yourself.

Fun Facts About Yourself

Have you ever been to a social gathering, networking event, or first date where you were asked to share fun facts about yourself? Trying to come up with fun facts about yourself on the spot can be hard because most of the time, we’re not prepared for the occasion.

While you want to share something that’s interesting and fun, you also want to be careful not to reveal something embarrassing or negative.

To make it easier for you to come up with some personal fun facts, I have created a list of 25 questions to help you think about fun facts about yourself that you can safely share with others. Check them out below!

How to Come Up with Fun Facts About Yourself

Below is a list of 25 questions that will help you come up with fun and interesting facts about yourself.

  1. Did you do something funny or corky as a kid? Thinking back to your childhood is usually a safe way to dig up some fun things about yourself that you can share with others.
  2. Have you traveled to a foreign country where you were not familiar with the cultural norms?  It could be fun to share a social blunder you experienced while immersed in a foreign culture.
  3. Is there something unique about your family or friends? This could be a bit personal, but it may also be fun to share what makes your family and friends so special.
  4. Have you ever attended a wild concert where things got a little crazy? Who doesn’t like to reminisce about their glory days? Maybe you can dig up a fun fact or two from your wilder days.
  5. What are your hobbies? Thinking about your hobbies will definitely lead to some really fun facts on how you spend your downtime.
  6. Do you have a favorite movie? Whether it’s the latest Netflix series or a new movie on Amazon Prime, it’s always fun to share your thoughts on a really good movie.
  7. Do you have a unique pet? Most of us have dogs and cats, but some people like to get into more exotic animals. If you happen to be one of them, It could be fun (or scary) to talk about your pet cobra or iguana.
  8. Have you ever eaten something out of the ordinary? Maybe you could share your experiences with a foreign dish or even talk about new foods that you would like to try in the future.
  9. Did you ever run a marathon? If so, this is a fun fact that is sure to impress your friends or colleagues.
  10. Is there something that really scares you? Maybe you can share something that really scares you like bugs, spiders, or maybe scary movies?
  11. Have you ever met a celebrity? If you have ever met a famous actor or even a popular social figure, it will certainly entertain the people around you to hear about it.
  12. Do you have a favorite dessert? I personally love desserts! Maybe you could share the type of dessert that you enjoy the most.
  13. Can you hold your breath for a really long time? If so, I’m sure this would be an impressive fun fact to share about yourself.
  14. Can you lift heavy weights? It would be fun to share with others how much you can bench press.
  15. Have you ever been unexpectedly stuck in an elevator? I hope not…but if you have, it would be interesting for others to know about your escape strategy.
  16. Did you ever get really startled by something?  Sharing a situation where you got startled, by a sudden event, is sure to get some giggles and laughs.
  17. Did something funny happen on your first job interview?  No matter how prepared we try to be, most of us have had blunders on interviews that could be fun to share between friends.
  18. Did you experience an awkward situation at your first job? Hopefully, it was not too embarrassing and it is something that could lead to a fun fact on how you corrected the issue.
  19. Do you know what your first words were? Did your parents or family tell you about your first words? If so, a baby’s first word is always a fun thing to share.
  20. Do you have any superstitions?  Maybe you don’t like walking under ladders or opening an umbrella indoors?
  21. What was your favorite trip? Do you have a fun travel experience that you can share with others?
  22. Did you ever win a contest? I remember winning a math contest in junior high. Sharing your trophies and accomplishments make some really great fun facts, especially with co-workers.
  23. Do you have a bucket list? If so, I’m sure people would love to hear about all the things you aspire to do.
  24. Have you ever had a sports injury? I’ve heard colleagues share fun facts about their sports injuries from over-training in Karate or other sports.  This always generates great conversations.
  25. Do you remember your first crush? My advice would be that you only share this fun fact with close friends.

We hope this article will help you come up with some great fun facts about yourself. Also, if you would like to share some ideas of fun facts that are about yourself or that you’ve heard others use, we would love to hear them! Feel free to leave us your thoughts and comments below.

Want to learn fun facts about someone else? See this article on 21 questions to ask to get to know someone better.

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